Saturday, 5 May 2012

Oxford student Samantha Shannon dubbed the 'new J.K. Rowling'

Oxford student Samantha Shannon dubbed the 'new J.K. Rowling'

A 20-year-old Oxford student has been dubbed the "new J.K. Rowling" after signing a deal for her futuristic adventure series with the publishers of the Harry Potter books.
Samantha Shannon landed the multimillion-pound deal with Bloomsbury for her first novel, The Bone Season, and two sequels.
Ms Shannon, currently studying English at St. Anne's College, Oxford, said she was studying Hamlet when her agent called with the good news.
"I was completely amazed and overwhelmed," she told The (London) Sunday Times.
She has mapped out her story to be spread over seven books, just like Rowling's Harry Potter series, following the adventures of Paige, a 19-year-old clairvoyant who escapes from life in a criminal underworld.
The Bone Season is set in 2059 where Paige is captured by the repressive government, Scion, and sent to Oxford, a town which has been kept secret, where she meets Warden, who becomes her "keeper."

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