Thursday 26 April 2012

‘Leap of Faith’

‘Leap of Faith’

Jeez, even the climactic thunderstorm is a letdown in “Leap of Faith.” You can see the water jets — where’s the fun in that?
Sorry if that’s a spoiler, but nothing happens in this frustrating and manipulative new Broadway musical based on a 1992 Steve Martin movie you don’t see coming a mile away.
What is surprising is how infrequently songs by Alan Menken (music) and Glenn Slater (lyrics) make you sit up and take notice.
Is this the same duo that packed “Sister Act” with tasty disco-pop tunes The composer who wrote the memorable melodies for “Newsies”? It is.
There are some rousing, albeit repetitive, gospel numbers, each accompanied by Sergio Trujillo’s gyrating dancing. And the sweet country-and-Western-flavored “Long Past Dreamin’” is a real keeper. Otherwise, the score is as striking as dust in a drought-ravaged Kansas town.
That’s where phony faith healer Jonas Nightingale (Raul Esparza, of “Company” and “Arcadia”) and his band of “angels” pitch their tent after a bus breakdown. They’re soon fleecing poor local yokels in their revival meetings.
Enter sheriff Marla McGowan (a likable low-key Jessica Phillips). She’s got Nightingale’s number, but she’s also a lonely widow with a disabled son, Jake (Talon Ackerman), turned on by Jonas and his many sleeveless T-shirts. “Smart Women, Foolish Choices” was a non-issue when Liam Neeson wore the badge on the big screen in 1992.
The sex change is one of several tweaks by Janus Cercone, who wrote the original screenplay, and Warren Leight. Now, Jonas has a sister, Sam (Kendra Kassebaum), and a boo-hoo childhood to lend a shred of psychological background. Unfortunately, there are also too many secondary characters and gaps in logic, such as Jonas’ gang not knowing he’s a con man. Huh?
Director Christopher Ashley has previously done fine work guiding “Memphis” and “All Shook Up.” But he doesn’t get a handle on this production, which he inherited after a 2010 Los Angeles tryout. It feels out of sync.
Ragtag “angels” look so slick that they could’ve come from blowouts and seaweed wraps at a spa. Even the always reliable William Ivey Long has fashioned costumes that are head-scratchers. Kassebaum’s Stevie Nicks-style frock cries out for an exorcism.

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